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LED-Street bulbs
METOLIGHT LED-Lamp SLG-10 E27 - 24 Watt - 360°, 2300 lm, warm white

METOLIGHT LED-Lamp SLG-10 E27 - 24 Watt - 360°, 2300 lm, warm white
METOLIGHT LED lamp SLG10 -24 Watt , IP64 , 2300 lm, warm white
HiPower LED lamp modern technology with 360 ° beam angle 
This LED lamp is an ideal replacement for HQI / HQL street lamps for use in lanterns, Polder lights , highbay lights, etc. for standing or pending mounting. It is almost as bright as a traditional light bulb with 250 watts.It is equipped with EPISTAR LED chips with luminous efficacy of 120 lm / W and has the standard E27 base. We can also supply this lamp in matted version as well as with E40 base.
The lamp housing meets IP64 , the built-in constant current power supply is double insulated , completely sealed , with integrated protection against overtemperature and overvoltage. Unlike similar-looking lamps METOLIGHT SLG10 ( eg fan.) there are no moving parts.
It is equipped exclusively with high quality components , so that a lifetime of over 40,000 hours can be achieved. The LED light attracts insects significantly less than UV-emitting high-pressure lamps. Unlike conventional LED street lamps the new METOLIGHT SLG -10 lamps also have LEDs on the top side, so lighting up in luminaires with transparent or frosted globes as known from former conventional bulbs. We can also supply a stainless steel reflector to reduce the radial light direction for about 100 ° - often required by residents , so that the light of lanterns not radiate into the house.
This LED lamp stands for Green Technology , extremely energy- efficient, environmentally friendly and modern lighting of streets, squares , corporate campuses , parking and indoor areas.
The LED lamp can easily replace former high pressure bulbs with E27 base. Existing electronic ballasts must be removed before installing the LED lamp. Please note that this type of lamp is expressivly only for standing or pendant installation. In case of angled installation you need to support the lamp head by e.g. cable tie to reduce the weight pressure on the lamp socket.
Compared with high-pressure bulbs METOLIGHT SLG LED lamps save up to about 80 % of energy and deliver to a true-color , flicker-free light that also (unlike mercury vapor lamps ) are free of UV radiation is.
We grant 3 years limited warranty on this bulb

Technical Data
Beschreibung | Daten / Data | Description |
Markenname | METOLIGHT | Brand name |
Modell | LED-SLG10-24W | Model |
EAN | EAN 4251192818973 | EAN |
Betriebsspannung | 180-240 V AC / 50/60 Hz | Input Voltage |
Gesamtleistung | ~ 24,2 Watt | Input Power |
Leistungsfaktor | Pf > 0,95 | Power factor |
Klasse | IP64 | IP-Grade |
Dimmbar? | nein / no | Dimmable? |
Lichtquelle | Epistar SMD 120 lm/W | Light Source |
Energieklasse | E | Energy Class |
auf einer Skala von A bis G (wenig effizient) / on scale of A to G (less efficient) | ||
Photobiolog. Klasse | 1 | Photobiolog. Class |
Lichtwinkel | 360° | Beam Angle |
Lichteffizienz | > 105 lm/W | Light Efficacy |
Warmweiss | 2700 - 3000K - 2300 lm - Ra > 85 | Warm White |
Neutralweiß | 3800 - 4200K - 2400 lm - Ra > 85 | Neutral White |
Tagweiß | 4800 - 5200K - 2400 lm - Ra > 85 | Pure White |
Kaltweiß | 5800 - 6200K - 2500 lm - Ra > 85 | Cold White |
Entspricht Glühlampe | ~ 250 Watt | Compares to Inc. Bulb |
LED-Lebensdauer | < 40.000 h | LED-Life |
Schaltzyklen (ein/aus) | > 120.000 | Switch Cycles (on/off) |
Sockel | E27 | Base |
Lampenkörper | PMMA | Bulb Body |
Abmessung | 70 mm Durchmesser x 215 mm hoch (diameter x height) | Sizes |
Gewicht | 418 gr | Weight |
Normen | EN 50581:2012, EN55015:2013, EN60598-1:2009, EN60598-2-2:2012, EN60968:1990, EN60969, EN61000-3-2/2006, EN61000-3-3:2013, EN 61547:2013, EN62031:2008, EN62321:2013, EN62471:2008, EN62493:2010, EN62560:2012 | Standards |
Toleranz techn. Daten | +/- 10% | Tolerance techn. Data |
Hinweise | Zur Verwendung in entsprechenden Straßenlaternen oder -Leuchten bei stehender oder hängender Montage des Leuchtmittels, Vorhandene Vorschaltgeräte müssen entfernt werden / For use in street lights and lanterns with standing or pendant mouting of bulb, existing ballast must be disconnected | Notes |
Hinweise | Notes |
Verwendungszweck | Application |
LED-Lampe für allg. Beleuchtungsaufgaben in entsprechenden Leuchten, zumeist Straßenleuchten und Laternen | LED-bulb for common lighting applicaions in suitable luminaires, mainly street lights and lanterns |
Besonderheiten | Specials |
LED-SMD mit hoher Effizienz und Farbwiedergabetreue, IP64, gekapseltes Netzteil, kurzschlußfest mit Übertemperatursicherung | LED-SMD, high effficacy and CCT, IP64, encapsuled driver, short break protected and over temperature protected |
Installation | Installation |
In Leuchten mit entsprechender Fassung anstelle bisheriger Glühlampen oder Hochdrucklampen. Lampenwechsel nur bei stromfrei geschalteten Leuchten vornehmen, vorhandene Vorschaltgeräte müssen von Elektrofachkraft entfernt werden. | In luminaires with suitable sockets to replace common incandescent bulbs or high pressure bulbs. Change bulbs only when power is off, Existing ballast must be removed by expert. |
Hinweise | Notes |
Wie bei allen LED-Leuchtmitteln ist auf ausreichende Luftzirkulation zu achten, damit die LED-Lampe nicht überhitzt. Die Gesamtenergieeffizienz und Lichtverteilung dieses LED-Leuchtmittels wird von der Bauart der Lichtanlage bestimmt, in der es verwendet wird. Messdaten unterliegen üblichen Toleranzen. Daten gem. Asmetec-Labor bzw. nach Werksangaben sowie. EU 874/2012, 2010//30/EU, 2011/65/EU | As with all LED-Lights take care for sufficient air ventilation to prevent LED overheating. The total efficiency and light distribution of this LED depends on the structure of the luminaire where it is used in. Technical data subject common tolerances. Measure data acc. Asmetec Test lab or original manufacturer data and acc. EU 874/2012, 2010//30/EU, 2011/65/EU |
Entsorgung | Waste Treatment |
LED-Leuchtmittel enthalten Wertstoffe. Bitte geben Sie die Lampen nach Gebrauch beim Wertstoffhof ab oder senden Sie sie an Asmetec zum Recycling zurück. | LED-lamps contain valuable raw materials. Please dispose them after use at the Local Court of Value Materials or return them for free disposal to Asmetec. |
Prüfberichte | Test Reports |
Individuelle Prüfberichte zu colorimetrischen, photometrischen und elektrischen, elektromagnetischen Daten erstellen wir auf Wunsch im eigenen Labor. | Individual test reports for colorimetric, photometric, electrical and electromagnetical data upon request made in own lab. |
Technische Daten | Technical Data |
Technische Daten können ohne Vorankündigung geändert werden, wenn sie zur Produktverbesserung dienen. Bitte beachten Sie unsere technischen Datenblätter zu den einzelnen Produkten. | Technical data are subject to change without prior notice to improve the product. Please note our technical data sheets provided for each product. |
This product was added to our catalog on Wednesday, October 28, 2015.