Release film METOREL MTR-200-38SM
Universally applicable high-temperature release film, 38 μm thick
The MTR-200-38SM is a semi-matt release film for universal applications, in particular for manufacturing in the multilayer area of printed circuit board production.
It can be used at temperatures up to 200 ° C in several press cycles up to approx. 6 hours.
The release film ensures fast and clean separation of layers after the pressing process. It has a smooth semi-matt surface on both sides with conformal properties.
The foil is free from inclusions or dirt.
The release film is based on modified PET.
We supply this film in various roll widths in thicknesses of 25 μm, 38 μm and 50 μm.
Precut blanks can be made taking into account minimum quantities.
The delivery time is about 3-4 weeks