METOSTAT heel grounder DFB-HC
flexible heel grounder with clip lock
for static dissipation while wearing regular shoes
The heel grounder is used for discharging static charges of a person wearing regular, non-dissipative street shoes. Particularly in modern shoes with insulating rubber sole person to can become statically charged when walking, so that they feel an uncomfortable electric shock when touching grounded metals like tables, doors, machines etc.
It shall be worn on both shoes.
The heel grounder is pulled over the heel of the shoes. An adjustable clip lock is used to secure attachment to shoes and feet. The ground strap is inserted into the shoes, thus ensuring personal grounding.
The heel grounder meets the requirements of EN 61340-5-1.
Fabric: PE mix with silver threads
Clip lock
No protection resistor
Weight: 30 g
Elasticity: 10,000 cycles with 170%
Color: grey / black
Resistance to the grounding point Rg: (unworn): <200 Ohm (worn on foot): 1 - 3 megohms